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To have good posture, one must have a strong core. The muscles in your core are important for stabilizing your torso so you may sit or stand straight the way  you are supposed to. There are many exercises that you can try to obtain good posture. Try them out, and see how dramatically your posture improves over the next few weeks.

Single Leg Extension

Start out lying on the floor with both feet on the ground. To do the exercise, pull one leg in toward your chest as you push the other leg straight out. Hold it for three seconds. Move back to the starting point. Do this exercise 10 times, increasing the height at which you extend your leg each time. Then, do the same thing with the opposite leg. This helps both your leg muscles, as well as the muscles in your core.


Lie on the floor with your knees bent and both feet touching the ground. Then, cross your arms over your chest. Use the muscles in your lower abdomen to pull yourself up and forward so that your shoulders and upper back are no longer touching the floor, then lie back down again. Repeat this at least 20 times, or as many as you can do. Improving the muscles in your abs will help build better posture.


Get yourself into push-up position, with your toes touching the floor and your arms shoulder width apart with your hands on the ground. Instead of doing a push-up and bending your elbows so you move toward the ground, you will instead do a plank. This is where you simply hold the position. Hold yourself in the plank position for at least 30 seconds. As you are holding yourself there, you will feel your abdominal muscles tense.

By performing these exercises a few times a week, you can quickly get yourself into good posture. Remember to always sit and stand up straight, and do not lean forward or slouch. Exercise yourself into better posture today!

Exercise Yourself into Good Posture

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